All You Need to Know About Commercial Real Estate

How are things selling in your area? Which market is currently hot? What types or properties are you interested in? How can you fund your investment? Each of these factors is important when planning your investment and can affect...

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10 Loan Options for Small Businesses

When you need extra cash to sustain your business, apply for a loan. These 10 loan options help small businesses like yours keep up with their expenses. 1. Loans From the SBA Apply for loans from the Small Business Administration, a...

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An Outlet for Imagination

If you spend a little time surfing through Instagram posts, Pinterest boards or Facebook pictures, you’ll see lots of wonderfully beautiful ideas others have had they want to show. From pretty plates to tempt your palate to delightful designs...

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Interior Design Trends for Fix and Flip Rental Properties

Flipping properties are one of the hottest trends in real estate investments. If you want to make your fix and flip a success, you must create a space that will dazzle and impress. Here are a few tips to...

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How Small Businesses Can Succeed with Equipment Financing

There are all kinds of financial setbacks that can appear out of the blue and upset your company’s operations. When a piece of vital machinery related to your brand’s success requires repairs or total replacement, for example, you need...

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How Small Businesses Can Succeed with Equipment Financing

There are all kinds of financial setbacks that can appear out of the blue and upset your company’s operations. When a piece of vital machinery related to your brand’s success requires repairs or total replacement, for example, you need...

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Business Growth Can Be Achieved with Purchase Order Financing

When you have a large order come in and need to buy supplies upfront, but will not be paid for the work until delivery of the final product, you are looking at a working capital gap that may be...

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The Advantages of Factoring and Accounts Receivable Financing

Restrictions to your budget can easily create some serious issues for your business. When all of your available capital is frozen due to delayed payments from your clients, for example, it can create a situation where you’re unable to...

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How to Use Accounts Receivable Financing to Reduce Business Debt

Debt has a way of holding a business back from reaching its full potential. When your available capital is tied up in paying down funds you owe to lenders, you can’t move your company forward. This is made even...

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How To Get Away With a No Plan Business Plan

One of the first things you will probably learn about starting your own company is that you will need a business plan which includes milestones, deadlines, and financial projections to succeed. While it is true that some investors and...

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